big bang proves an intelligent creator God of the Bible

Why the Big Bang Proves a Creator God

The Bible was right about so many things...and that's why, believe it or not, scientists largely resisted it when it was new. The Bible says that time and space had a beginning...and that they were…

atoms and molecules necessary for life to exist are proof of a creator

Just How Fine-Tuned IS the Universe?

One of the nail-in-the coffin arguments for me becoming a Christian, years ago, begins with the assertion that when something looks designed, it actually makes the MOST sense to hypothesize that it probably had a…

3 questions to ask your atheist friends

3 Questions to Ask Your Atheist Friends

I was an atheist here are some questions that would have (and eventually DID) get me thinking about the possibility that indeed, God created everything: 1. What's your view on how the universe started?…

What Impossible Thing Do You Believe?

Have you considered that... Either something came from nothing, OR there was a cause outside of space and time. Either information, such as is found in DNA, writes itself, OR someone wrote it. Either complex…