7 most amazing scientific facts in the Bible

Amazing Scientific Facts in the Bible

It’s often been claimed that the Bible and science conflict with each other…that they are at odds.

But, it couldn’t be further from the truth.

Check out the videos below, or read on, to discover just how amazingly aligned the two actually are:

The Big Bang

Scientists didn’t like it at first.


Accepting the Big Bang Theory meant that they had to admit that the Bible was right about the universe, and everything within it (including time itself) having a beginning.

In our opinion, the Big Bang Theory proves a creator God…more on that here.

Buy: Where Did the Universe Com From? book


We all agree that books don’t write themselves.  Those apps on your phone don’t write themselves, either.  You know what’s equally complex, if not moreso?


It’s so complex that it contains entire encyclopedias’ worth of information.  Scientists still don’t fully understand all of what DNA is or does.

For more on the amazing complexity of DNA, check out this post.

genetic adam and eve

Genetic Adam and Eve

There is genetic evidence pointing back to a single male and single female at the start of humanity.  This concept is referred to as genetic Adam and Eve.

Mitochondrial DNA tells us about the mother’s line.  Y-chromosomal DNA tells us about the father’s line…

…and both trace back to the single ancestral sequences of a single female and single male.

3 questions to ask an atheist skeptical about whether God made the universe

Getting Science Right…Before the Rest of the World

How did the writers of the Bible manage to never get a scientific fact wrong?

Not only did they never get a fact wrong, they got quite a few amazing ones right…things that people living at the same time had no way of knowing and quite frankly DIDN’T know, such as:

  • The universe came from nothing and had a beginning (Gen 1:1, Heb 11:3).
  • Correctly naming the only 2 star constellations that are gravitationally linked (Job 38:31)
  • The Earth hangs in space, not on a turtle or some other solid foundation (Job 26:7)
  • Basic principles of hygiene and cleanliness, way before their time: (Lev 15:13, Deut 23:12-13, Lev 13:45-46)
  • Oceans have currents and paths (Ps 8:8)
  • Plants should be used for medicine (Ezek 47:12)
  • Accurate description of water cycle (Job 26:8, 36:27-28)

Then, there’s the order of creation. 

The Bible is the only holy book out there that gets the order correct–as in, matching what we know from modern science–when considering that the events are described from the perspective of someone standing on Earth.

We go deep into that in the parent notes of Where Did the Universe Come From?, which you can preview online for free here.

And there are plenty more.  Like this stuff?  Let us know & we’ll do more!

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