Is God Selfish for Requiring Worship? (Video Shorts)
Is God selfish for asking us to worship Him? Far from it! This will speak to you, even if you're not a Christian. What do idealize? What do you have gratitude for, and under what…
Is God selfish for asking us to worship Him? Far from it! This will speak to you, even if you're not a Christian. What do idealize? What do you have gratitude for, and under what…
Trust God for what, exactly? I struggled with that question for years. Trust God for what? A million dollars? No. A Ferrari? Um, no. Perfect health? Sorry, no. Trust that God's good and He's gonna…
It could be our kids, or it could be anyone...but sadly, since we live in a fallen world, we're bound to have to answer at some point, "What happens after someone dies?" God actually wants…
It's not because of emotions; we can tell you that much! Jesus claimed to be God, and that makes Him either crazy, deceptive, or God. There's no proof He was crazy or deceptive, so that…
Could Noah have actually fit ALL those animals on the ark? The answer may surprise you. Let's take a deeper look at what the Bible says specifically on the ark and the animals that went…
Why does God have to punish sin with DEATH? We'll get there eventually, but the short answer is this: God's legal system requires punishment for wrongdoing, and it had to be this way because God…
Why is this ex-atheist a Christian? Let's try and address that in a minute or less! I'm not the type of person who was EVER going to be convinced by feelings, and so for me,there…
What does the Bible REALLY say about "taking it on faith"? Are Christians morons because they do that? As a former atheist, that was basically my catch phrase, until I found out what the…
Yes, and in fact, so were the Jews who lived and died before Jesus. The Jewish sacrifices were something God asked of the Jews, to illustrate that blood must be shed in order to forgive…
We all experience feelings of anger, temptations toward envy, jealousy, and other troublesome emotions. When trying to navigate how to deal with them biblically, the first step is to determine whether these emotions are…