3 questions to ask your atheist friends

Can You Defend the Moral Argument for God?

What's the moral argument for God? We're going to get into that...but just as important as knowing the argument itself is knowing the most common objections received when using it, as they can seem like…

Yes, Jesus Existed, and Here’s Proof

When I was younger, I came of age around movies like Zeitgeist, which, these days, I would consider to be atheist propaganda.  The trouble was that I hadn't bothered to fact check them before internalizing the…

big bang proves an intelligent creator God of the Bible

Why the Big Bang Proves a Creator God

The Bible was right about so many things...and that's why, believe it or not, scientists largely resisted it when it was new. The Bible says that time and space had a beginning...and that they were…

girl reading a Bible

Why Should We Believe the Bible is True?

We have more copies of early manuscripts than any other ancient work. Most ancient works, which of course historians accept as reliable, have fewer than 20 copies or partial copies. The Bible has 5,800 Greek…

5 Archaeological Finds that Prove the Bible

What's in the Bible but not in *any* other holy book? Verifiable historical facts...and no mistakes. (Verifiable scientific facts with no mistakes, too, but today we're taking a look at history!) [xyz-ihs snippet="Long-rectangle-book-ad-universe"] Dead Sea…

atoms and molecules necessary for life to exist are proof of a creator

Just How Fine-Tuned IS the Universe?

One of the nail-in-the coffin arguments for me becoming a Christian, years ago, begins with the assertion that when something looks designed, it actually makes the MOST sense to hypothesize that it probably had a…

3 questions to ask your atheist friends

3 Questions to Ask Your Atheist Friends

I was an atheist once...so here are some questions that would have (and eventually DID) get me thinking about the possibility that indeed, God created everything: 1. What's your view on how the universe started?…