5 Archaeological Finds that Prove the Bible

What's in the Bible but not in *any* other holy book? Verifiable historical facts...and no mistakes. (Verifiable scientific facts with no mistakes, too, but today we're taking a look at history!) [xyz-ihs snippet="Long-rectangle-book-ad-universe"] Dead Sea…

atoms and molecules necessary for life to exist are proof of a creator

Just How Fine-Tuned IS the Universe?

One of the nail-in-the coffin arguments for me becoming a Christian, years ago, begins with the assertion that when something looks designed, it actually makes the MOST sense to hypothesize that it probably had a…

Parent Notes: Where Did the Universe Come From?

Parent Notes: Where Did the Universe Come From? Sign up below to preview the web-accessible version of the parent notes for Where Did the Universe Come From?, plus receive a special discount code for the book!…